You can find on this page the Morocco population map to print and to download in PDF. The Morocco population density map presents the number of inhabitants in relation to the country size and the structure of the population of Morocco in Africa.

Morocco population density map

Map of Morocco density

The Morocco population density map shows the number of inhabitants in relation to Morocco size. This demographic map of Morocco will allow you to know demography and structure of the population of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco density map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Morocco ranks number 40 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in Morocco is 83 per Km2 (214 people per mi2) as its mentioned in Morocco population density map. The total land area is 446,300 Km2 (172,317 sq. miles). 63.8 % of the population is urban (23,551,599 people in 2020). The median age in Morocco is 29.5 years.

In 2018, population density for Morocco was 80.7 people per sq. km. Population density of Morocco increased from 35.1 people per sq. km in 1969 to 80.7 people per sq. km in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 1.72%. While the current population density of Morocco in 2020 is 82.66 people per square kilometer, a 1.2% increase from 2019 as its mentioned in Morocco population density map.

The population of Morocco, including Western Sahara, was estimated by the United Nations at 30,566,000 in 2003, which placed it as number 37 in population among the 193 nations of the world. In that year approximately 5% of the population was over 65 years of age, with another 32% of the population under 15 years of age. There were an equal number of males and females in the country in 2003. According to the UN, the annual population growth rate for 2000–2005 is 1.62% as you can see in Morocco population density map, with the projected population for the year 2015 at 36,496,000. The population density in 2002 was 66 per sq km (172 per sq mi); however, the population density is highest in the plains and coastal areas of northwestern Morocco. Most of the population lives in the fertile plains or near the Mediterranean coast.