You can find on this page the Morocco flag map to print and to download in PDF. The Morocco flag map presents the flag of Morocco in the area map of Morocco. And also the history of the flag of Morocco in Africa.

Morocco flag map

Maps of Morocco flag

The Morocco flag map shows the flag of Morocco in empty Morocco map. This flag map of Morocco will allow you to know the history, origins and composition of the flag of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco flag map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The flag of Morocco (Berber: Acenyal n Umerruk, Arabic: علم المغرب‎) is made of a red field with a black-bordered green pentagram as its mentioned in Morocco flag map. Red has considerable historic significance in Morocco, proclaiming the descent of the royal Alaouite family from the Prophet Muhammad via Fatima, the wife of Ali, the fourth Muslim Caliph. Red is also the color that was used by the Sherifs of Mecca and the Imams of Yemen. From the 17th century on, when Morocco was ruled by the Alaouite Dynasty, the flags of the country were plain red.

In 1915, during the reign of Mulay Yusuf, the green interlaced pentangle was added to the national flag. While Morocco was under French and Spanish control, the red flag with the seal in the center remained in use, but only inland. Its use at sea was prohibited. When independence was restored in 1956, it once again became the national flag. The red background on the Moroccan flag as you can see in Morocco flag map represents hardiness, bravery, strength and valour, while the green, five-pointed star represents the Solomon’s seal.

The earliest version of the modern flag can be traced back to the Almohad dynasty in the 12th century. The background of the flag is the same deep red as the modern flag, but in the middle was a 64-piece chess board (see Morocco flag map). In traditional Islamic culture, the chessboard stands as a symbol for verbal sparring and the victories of Islamic arguments over other dominant moral frameworks.