You can find on this page the Morocco geographical map to print and to download in PDF. The Morocco geographic map presents the topography, elevation, rivers, mountains, climate and physical features of Morocco in Africa.

Morocco physical map

The Morocco physical map shows landform and geography of Morocco. This geographical map of Morocco will allow you to discover physical features of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco physical map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Morocco is located in the northwest corner of Africa and is bordered by the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea as its mentioned in Morocco physical map. Algeria and Western Sahara are the land borders to the south and east. Morocco is about the same size as California. The high Atlas Mountains separate the mild coastline from the harsh Sahara.

Atlas mountains stretch 2,400km through Morocco, the mountains separate the ocean from the Sahara desert as you can see in Morocco physical map. There are four rivers that run from the ocean these are, Sebou, Oum er-Rhia, Moulouya, and Bouregreg. Around 78% of Morocco physical land is desert, the rest is mountainous which transitions into valleys and plateaus

Much of Morocco physical landscape is mountainous with slopes that gradually transition into plateaus and valleys as its shown in Morocco physical map. As observed on the physical map above, the Atlas mountains dominate the central part of the country, while the Rif mountains make up the northern edge. The southeastern region of the country is blanketed by the Sahara Desert, the world third largest desert at over 3,600,000 square miles (9,400,000 sq. km).

Morocco topographic map

Morocco topographic map shows the physical features of Morocco. This topographical map of Morocco will allow you to discover landforms and geographical of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The topography of Morocco varies as its northern coast and interior regions are mountainous, while its coast features fertile plains where much of the country of Morocco agriculture takes place. There are also valleys interspersed between Morocco mountainous areas as its mentioned in Morocco topographic map.

Morocco mountains capture significant amounts of rain and snow on their windward slopes from storms coming in off the North Atlantic and give rise to numerous perennial watercourses as you can see in Morocco topographic map. Indeed, the country has the most-extensive stream network in North Africa. Most streams arise either on the western slopes of the Atlas Mountains or on the southern slopes of the Rif Mountains and flow westward to the Atlantic Ocean.

In the Rif, Middle and High Atlas Mountains, there exist several different types of climates as its shown in Morocco topographic map: Mediterranean along the coastal lowlands, giving way to a humid temperate climate at higher elevations with sufficient moisture to allow for the growth of different species of oaks, moss carpets, junipers, and Atlantic fir which is a royal conifer tree endemic to Morocco. In the valleys, fertile soils and high precipitation allow for the growth of thick and lush forests. Cloud forests can be found in the west of the Rif Mountains and Middle Atlas Mountains.

Morocco elevation map

The Morocco elevation map shows the different altitudes of Morocco. This altitude map of Morocco will allow you to know where are the highest and lowest regions of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco elevation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Morocco proper is divided into three natural regions as its mentioned in Morocco elevation map: the fertile northern coastal plain along the Mediterranean, which also contains Er Rif, mountains varying in elevation up to about 2,400 m (8,000 ft); the rich plateaus and lowlands lying between the three parallel ranges of the rugged Atlas Mountains, which extend from the Atlantic coast in the southwest to Algeria and the Mediterranean in the northeast; and the semiarid area in southern and eastern Morocco, which merges into the Sahara Desert. The Atlas Mountains, with an average elevation of 3,350 m (11,000 ft), contain some of the highest peaks of North Africa, including Mt. Toubkal (4,165 m/13,665 ft), the highest of all. South of the Atlas are the Anti-Atlas Mountains, with volcanic Mt. Siroua (3,300 m/10,800 elevation ft). The Western Sahara is rocky, sandy, and sparsely populated, unsuited for agriculture but rich in phosphate deposits.

The lowest elevation point of the country of Morocco is Sebkha Tah at -180 ft (-55 m). Sabkha Tah is a sabkha (or chott) located in Morocco between Tarfaya and Laayoune as its mentioned in Morocco elevation map, at a distance of 14 km from the Atlantic Ocean and 160 km from the Canary Islands, its area is 250 km² with a length of 30 km and a width of 10 km. Its depth is 60 m below the level of the sea.

Towering over the Atlas Mountains in southwestern Morocco, Mount Toubkal is the highest mountain in the country, standing at 4,167 metres tall as you can see in Morocco elevation map. Toubkal is the tallest mountain in the Arab world and as an ultra-prominent peak (over 1,500 metres elevation) it is one of the most exhilarating in the world.

Morocco rivers map

The rivers in Morocco map shows the principal rivers with their names of Morocco. The rivers map of Morocco will allow you to find the main rivers which flow in and through Morocco in Africa. The Morocco rivers map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Morocco has the most extensive river system in North Africa. The Moulouya is the only major river flowing to the Mediterranean Sea; it originates on the eastern slopes of the Middle Atlas and flows about 320 miles (515 km) to its mouth, which lies near the Algerian frontier as its shown in Morocco rivers map. The northern slopes of the Rif are drained by several short streams that also empty into the Mediterranean. Several minor streams originate on the dry eastern slopes of the High Atlas and flow into the Sahara; these include the Guir, the Rheris, and the Ziz. Although their volume is small, they have cut deep gorges.

The Sebou River basin as you can see in Morocco rivers map, which lies in the northwest between the Rif Mountains and a line running roughly from Rabat to Fès, is a large alluvial plain. Its agricultural heart is known as the Gharb plain. South of the Rabat-Fès line, between the Atlas and the Atlantic Ocean, are a series of high plains known collectively as the Moroccan Plateau. The Sebou is some 280 miles (450 km) long and has the largest volume of any Moroccan river.

The Drâa as its shown in Morocco rivers map, which rises in the High Atlas at the confluence of the Dadès and the Imini, is Morocco longest river, approximately 685 miles (1,100 km) in length; all but the headstreams and upper course are usually dry. At 345 miles (555 km) long, the Oum el-Rbia is another significant river, flowing from the Middle Atlas to the Atlantic.

Morocco mountains map

The mountains in Morocco map shows the principal mountains with their names in Morocco. The mountains map of Morocco will allow you to find the main mountains ranges and highest mountains of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco mountains map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Two chains of mountains divide eastern from Atlantic Morocco as you can see in Morocco mountains map: the Rif Mountains in the north form a buffer along the Mediterranean coastline, whereas the Atlas Mountains create a barrier across the centre. The two parts of the country are connected by the narrow Taza Gap in the northeast as well as by roads that follow older traditional routes. The Atlas and Rif ranges were formed during the Paleogene and Neogene periods (between about 65 to 2.6 million years ago) by the folding and uplifting of sediment that had accumulated in the Tethys Sea, which, at that time, bordered the northern coast of Africa.

The Atlas Mountains comprise three distinct chains as its mentioned in Morocco mountains map. The High Atlas (Haut Atlas), 460 miles (740 km) long, begins as small hills at the edge of the Atlantic, rises rapidly to more than 6,500 feet (2,000 metres), and reaches 13,665 feet (4,165 metres) at Mount Toubkal, Morocco’s highest point. The Middle Atlas (Moyen Atlas) trends away from the High Atlas in a northerly direction, rising to 10,958 feet (3,340 metres) at its crest. The Anti-Atlas extends southwestward from the High Atlas to the Atlantic.

The Rif Mountains are geologically part of the cordilleras (mountain chains) reaching southward from the Iberian Peninsula of Europe as its mentioned in Morocco mountains map, from which Africa was separated only after the Neogene Period (i.e., during the past 2.6 million years). The crescent-shaped range rises abruptly from a narrow Mediterranean coastal plain. Most of the limestone peaks in the Rif Mountains surpass 4,900 feet (1,500 metres) and rise to 8,058 feet (2,456 metres) at Mount Tidirhine.

Morocco climate map

The Morocco climate map shows average temperature and climate zones of Morocco. This climate map of Morocco will allow you to know weather, average precipitation, average sunshine and different climates of Morocco in Africa. The Morocco climate map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The climate of Morocco is Mediterranean in the North and in some mountains (West of Atlas), which becomes more extreme towards the interior regions. The terrain is such that the coastal plains are rich and accordingly as its shown in Morocco climate map, they comprise the backbone for agriculture, especially in the North. Forests cover about 12% of the land while arable land accounts for 18%; 5% is irrigated.

In the Atlas of Morocco (Middle Atlas), there are several different climates as its mentioned in Morocco climate map: Mediterranean (with some more humid and fresher variants), Maritime Temperate (with some humid and fresher variants too) that allow different species of oaks, moss carpets, junipers, atlantic cedars and many other plants, to form extensive and very rich humid cloud forests. In the highest peaks a different climate may occur.

On the other side of Atlas mountains of Morocco (East Atlas), the climate changes as you can see in Morocco climate map, due to the barrier/shelter effect of these mountainous system, turning it very dry and extremely warm during the summer (that can last several months), especially on the lowlands and on the valleys faced to the Sahara. Here it starts the big Desert Sahara and it is perfectly visible, for example, on the Draa Valley, on which it is possible to find oases, sand dunes and rocky desert landscapes. So the climate in this region is desert.